Friday, June 12, 2009

When it Rains...

It POURS...I swear!!

A few days ago, we had our "pre-inspection" to move out of base housing, and it just happened to be on the same day we are dog-sitting for our friends. She walked through the house, said everything looks great. Says carpet looks great, no visible stains or odors. Goes through the checklist of what to do, etc. We are standing in the kitchen finishing up, and she says, "oh, btw, since you have dogs, we are going to black light your carpet to check for urine stains." To which my reply was.."umm, these aren't my dogs, I'm just dog sitting." To which her reply was, "well, they are on your premises, so we have to assume that they are yours." This would all be fine and dandy, EXCEPT for the fact, that my daughter had only been potty trained a few short months before moving here, so she has had a few accidents in the 7 months we have lived here. Urine is urine, whether it be dog or human urine, it will glow under the black light all the same. She lets me know, if there are ANY stains on the carpet, we will be charged to have it replaced...GREAT!! This wouldn't be that big a deal to me, if our carpet looked horrible, or it really stunk..but it doesn't, with a quick carpet clean over the high traffic area, it would look BRAND new. So this really has me pissed at this inspector lady, REALLY PISSED.

Our neighbors are actually carpet cleaners for the housing office, so they let us know to go to Home Depot, buy this certain kind of cleaner, and that we could get a black light there, and check the house ourselves. So finally yesterday evening we get to Home Depot, get everything we need and get back home. Of course I am curious to see what my carpet actually looks like under black light, and it is late in the evening, so we go around, close all blinds, and turn off all lights. Flip on the black light, and HOLY carpet is glowing, EVERYWHERE. Not BRIGHTLY glowing, but you can see every spot we have EVER scrubbed on my carpet, and I am talking EVERY. We start in the living room, and work our way to the hallway, where I know we are going to see pee spots, and sure enough, there is a puddle right in my daughters doorway with drip marks leading all the way to the bathroom!! We go into her room, and find two more brightly glowing spots next to her bed! The boys room AMAZINGLY, only has one spot in it. The play room...OH the playroom...yeah..we found 5 brightly glowing spots in there, and three more in our room in the path that leads to our bathroom. So all night last night we spent treating our "glowing" carpet in the living room and toy room. Today at around 3, since that is the time that our inspection will be on next Friday, I closed all blinds in the house and got it as dark as I could, to see what these "treated" areas looked like under the light. The treated areas looked GREAT, barely noticeable, and I am sure once our neighbor cleans our carpet next Thursday, you will never know it had even been there. So I was pretty stoked about that...but of course it couldn't end there....

Do you ever have those days, that start off great, and something just has to come along, and knock you down?? Well today was that day!! UGH.

First thing this morning, get on the computer and check our pay. We got our travel money today! WOO HOO!! We got DOUBLE what we were expecting, so I was super excited. That means rather then staying at my hubby's grandmothers for 4 weeks to get a full months of BAH saved up to get a place, we would just have to stay there about two weeks! I was super stoked and on cloud nine ALL morning. Well, hubby calls around noonish, and says his car is sorta acting funny, that we should probably tow it to Washington, rather then him driving it. I thought no biggy, we can swing that one. It was the kids last day of school today, and it went GREAT. I went and had a picnic with both of the boys, and got to play with them at school this afternoon. Then the carpet thing happened..I thought WHAT A GREAT DAY. Well hubby called me at around 4ish, to tell me he was on his way, then called back about half an hour later, saying I was going to have to come get him. The transmission just went out on the car, it won't shift any higher then second gear. GREAT. So I'm thinking, OK, this is going to cost us between $500 and a thousand to get fixed, just a little set back, but we should still be ok...hmmm...guess again. On my way down to get him, sitting in DEAD STOP traffic on the 5, he calls to say he just got off the phone with a transmission shop. It is going to cost anywhere from $1600-$2000. Just what I wanted to hear. I swear, we are destined to have only one vehicle. We bought the car for $1200, it is worth roughly 2400, so if we have to put 2 grand into it to fix it..we will have spent more then what it is worth...what to do what to do. Guess first things first..tow it to Washington..try to find a place that is cheaper up there, because anywhere up there has to be cheaper then Cali!! We have roughly a month to figure this out, and I am hoping in that time, something GREAT happens. Not holding my breath though.

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