So it has been a while since I have been able to do one of these. So I thought I'd do it today. Head on over to
Mama Kat's page if you would like to do one yourself!
I chose this topic, while a heart wrenching topic, it is very appropriate for Veteran's day.
The prompt is: I picked up the phone and I could not believe what I was hearing...
It was early in the morning of June 25th, 2008, I was still sleeping. I was living with my sister at the time because my husband was deployed. I figured it was him, because everyone knows not to call me early in the morning. I grabbed my phone and it was my friend Jessica.
Why in the world is she calling me this early is all I could think. I almost didn't answer it, but she rarely called, and to call that early..she must need something, or it must be important. Recalling from my memory the best I can, this is how the conversation went.
Me: Hello
Jessica: Chris is dead
Me: (mind you I'm still half asleep) WHAT? WHO? What are you talking about?
Jessica: Chris, Carrie's husband, he's dead.
Me: Jessica, this is one sick's not even funny.
Jessica: I'm serious, he got killed in Afghanistan this morning.
Me: I know he was in Afghanistan, but I just talked to Carrie on MySpace last night, we were talking about my new haircut, she was fine..and didn't mention anything about Chris.
Jessica: They came to her door at like 5 this morning. I'm serious, I don't know what to do for her.
Me: I'm leaving as soon as I can. I will be there tomorrow. I need to get off of here and call her.
I called Carrie immediately. It was true. Being married to a Marine, I have known guys that have been killed before, but they were only acquaintances. Never had one of my good friends lost their husband, or even had a husband injured. These are people that we invited over to our house for our kids parties, we went to their house for their sons party, and tupperware parties! They came over for Christmas parties and Thanksgiving, and just to have a party period! Chris was always right there with my husband getting drunk and being the life of the party! Chris was that guy, no matter what was going on, he could always bring a smile to your face. I was in shock!
I was in New Mexico living with my sister at the time. Carrie was living at Camp Pendleton. I told her I was coming out. I didn't know what to say, and nothing I did say could make it better, but I needed to be there for her. I felt so helpless being so far away, and not being able to just give her a hug and tell her I loved her. She told me I didn't have to, and I know I didn't, but I know she would do the same if roles were reversed. I spent the rest of that day packing my bags and letting all my family know what was going on. My husband called later that evening, he had seen where I had posted about Chris's death on my MySpace, and he was in just as much shock. I thought he might not want me to drive the 14+ hours by myself with 3 kids to go see her, but he encouraged me.
The next morning I woke up at 3am and headed out. I made it to her house by 7 that evening. All I could do was hug her and tell her I loved her. It is heart wrenching to see someone hurting so bad, and not being able to help.
Carrie is an AMAZINGLY strong woman. She held it together better then I could have ever imagined, and continues to hold it together today! I am so proud to call her my friend. She is a great mother, and wonderful friend. She has her bad days of course, but she trudges on and continues to live her life, which I am positive, Chris wants her to do! I love her and admire her!
Just remember on Veterans day and EVERY day: Freedom is not free! Never forgot those who gave all so you can have the freedom to do what you do each day!
Here are a few pictures of Chris I took off of Carrie's profile
Carrie and Chris Ball 06
All of us at my house for our "dirty" Santa Party
Michael at his Dad's grave
Carrie and Michael at Chris's grave